South Africa 2024: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys | Arkel Sleep Clinic and World Sleep Academy

Delegate: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys

Affiliation: Arkel Sleep Clinic and World Sleep Academy

Short Bio: JD is a sleep health therapist in private practice in Pretoria, South Africa and is also a student at the World Sleep Academy

Activity: JD was invited to the prominent Breakfast TV show with a national footprint to celebrate World Sleep Day on Die Groot Onbyt (Translates to The Big Breakfast).

During the interview, we discussed the inequities of sleep in South Africa focusing on accessibility to patients and and also several socio-economic issues that impact negatively on sleep for instance distances that people live from there work place and amount of hours they have to travel to and from work, impacting on the amount of hours they sleep. We also spoke about sleep tips for better sleep.

Location: Pretoria

Date of Activity: 14 March 2023

Submitted by: JD Uys