South Africa 2024: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys | Arkel Sleep Clinic

Delegate: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys

Affiliation: Arkel Sleep Clinic

Short Bio: JD is a Sleep health therapist for the the past 16 years in Pretoria South Africa. He is also a CBTi Practitioner and is currently a student with the World Sleep Academy.

Activity: JD, through Arkel Sleep CLinic, has several activities planned. They are the following and will be submitted separately.

Avctivity 1 is a radio interview with a prominent radio station called GrootFM in Pretoria, South Africa. The program on the radio station is called “GrootTrauma” which is a medical talk show. Pieter Cloete and Dr Jaco van Niekerk host the program. Before the interview, Pieter asked if he could undergo a sleep study where the results would be discussed on air during the program. JD agreed to this. JD also did an in-depth sleep assessment with Pieter getting a full sleep and medical history. During this assessment, it became clear that Pieter has a risk of a sleep breathing disorder and then the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and STOPbang Questionnaire were completed. ESS resulted in a score of 18, indicating severe sleepiness while the STOPBang resulted in a high risk for having sleep apnea. After this, JD explained in detail what sleep apnea is with all the possible complications and risk factors associated with it. JD also explained the process ahead and explained the reasons for the possible steps. Parts of this sleep assessment consultation were filmed and placed on GrootFM’s and Arkel Sleep Clinic’s Facebook pages.

Pieter then went ahead and slept on the sleep study equipment (Partial Arterial Tenometry). The results indicated that Pieter suffered from severe obstructive sleep apnea with an AHI of 90.

Pieter did not expect this and we shared the results with him before going live on air. We did discuss the results in depth and planned the following steps (CPAP titration). We did this in life on air. During the life interview, we also discussed the challenges of sleep equity in South Africa with a special focus on sleep training for medical professionals.

For more information on this visit It is in Afrikaans. For the radio interview visit This is also in Afrikaans.

Location: Pretroria,

Date of Activity: 13 March 2024

Submitted by: JD Uys