South Africa 2024: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys | Arkel Sleep Clinic

Delegate: Jan-Daniel (JD) Uys

Affiliation: Arkel Sleep Clinic

Short Bio: JD is a Sleep Health Therapist in private practice in South Africa. He is also a student at the World Sleep Academy.

Activity: Activity 3: JD was invited for an interview on ChaiFM, which is a local radio station in South Africa. The program is called “Bump and Beyond”. It is a parenting program on the channel. We discussed the importance of sleep through different age groups and how sleep changes as we grow older. We also emphasised the importance of sleep equity and how important it is for parents to set an example on healthy sleep hygiene and how to create a domestic environment where children can sleep effectively.

Location: Pretoria

Date of Activity: 13 March 2024

Submitted by: JD Uys