Russia 2021: Lyudmila Korostovtseva and Sofia Osipenko | Somnology group, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Russian Somnology Society

Delegate: Lyudmila Korostovtseva and Sofia Osipenko

Affiliations: Somnology group, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Russian Somnology Society

Short Bio: Lyudmila Korostovtseva, MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Somnology group, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St Petersburg
Sofia Osipenko, 5th-year Student, Pavlov University, St Petersburg

Activity: This year, we have held both online and offline activities on the World Sleep Day.
On 19th March 2021, a popular meeting “Do not oversleep!” aimed to promote knowledge about sleep was held in the loft area for young people “PROSTO” (Photo 1). The audience (≈40 participants) gave talks on various sleep-related topics (from sleep hygiene to sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming and polyphasic sleep etc.), and answered numerous questions from the audience.

Additionally, an online conference “Healthy sleep is the way to success. Regular sleep – healthy future” for students was performed. The participants presented brief talks on sleep-related records, techniques for fast falling asleep, influence of mobile devices and various substances (cacao, coffee) on sleep. After the reports, a round table and Q&A session was led by L. Korostovtseva and M. Bochkarev.
In the run-up to the World Sleep Day we started a new Instagram account Zzzleep (, Photo 2) aimed at general population for all-year-round promotion of healthy sleep and better knowledge of sleep disorders and factors leading to sleep disturbances.

Video animations (about 10 commandments of healthy sleep and functions of sleep – were created and promoted via this account, as well as via other social media – Facebook (in English –; in Russian –, vkontakte.

Our team would like to thank all the people who helped and supported the initiative and the events: Mikhail Bochkarev, Anastasia Belevitina, Alexey Gordeev, Ekaterina Zabroda, Maximillian Zdanevich, Sofia Alferova, Vlada Nikitina, Aleksandra Topanova, area “PROSTO”/

Location: St Petersburg, Russia

Date of Activity: 19 March 2021

Submitted By: Lyudmila Korostovtseva