United Kingdom 2024: Elizabeth English | Elizabeth English https://mindfulsleep.life/

Delegate: Elizabeth English

Affiliation: Elizabeth English https://mindfulsleep.life/

Short Bio: Suffering insomnia many years ago, I taught myself to ‘go to sleep at will’ by combining several mindfulness approaches. Since then I’ve enjoyed wonderful sleep. Now, I’m passionate about sharing my skills: showing others how to re-ignite the innate, life-giving elixir of sleep.

I have practiced and taught mindfulness for over four decades, drawing on different mindful approaches. While working and writing widely in the field (see my general website) I increasingly specialize in sleep, helping people to overcome a variety of sleep-related problems; and also support those facing physical and emotional challenges, where unresolved issues inhibit or disrupt creativity, artistry and performance, through loss of sleep. I am author of a growing range of mindfulness books and other materials.

First Class History degree (Bristol University)
Master (M.Phil.) and Doctorate (D.Phil.) at Oxford University
Doctoral research into Buddhist meditation texts published 2002
Certified Practitioner and Teacher of Focusing
Certified Mindfulness Teacher with CMRP (Bangor)
Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication
Certified Trauma Therapist (Somatic Experiencing)

Activity: How to Power Nap – Free Sessions

Napping is an art we all need, and a mindful nap gives you double benefit. Effective naps give a massive boost to your energy, wellbeing and health. It helps you through sticky times of day, so you can reset and return invigorated to your day. If you are under-slept, a nap is essential to living life to the full. Regular naps also build your sleep resilience, and so set you back on a pathway to healthy and refreshing sleep.

In these free sessions, I introduce you to approaches I use myself to move into power-nap zones, refueling with positive life-energy for the tasks ahead.

What will you gain from this workshop?

Tips, techniques and practices for mindful naps;
Secrets to power napping;
Troubleshooting difficulties and overcoming blocks;
The best kind of nap for you;
The best timing for you.

Location: online – https://www.meetup.com/better-sleep-with-mindfulness/events/299041173/ and here: https://www.meetup.com/better-sleep-with-mindfulness/events/299042026/

Date of Activity: Wednesdays 14, 21, 28, February, 6 March; Monday 11th March

Submitted by: Elizabeth English