United Kingdom 2023: Janice Jenner of Hunrosa and Sleep Wise | Member (Hunrosa)

Delegate: Janice Jenner of Hunrosa and Sleep Wise

Affiliation: Member (Hunrosa)

Short Bio: Janice Jenner has been involved with sleep medicine since 2008. She is a qualified Sleep Consultant and is founder of Hunrosa the only sleep consultancy regularly commissioned by the NHS.

Operating since 2012, trusted by the NHS, local authorities and national charities, Hunrosa is a sleep consultancy applying the highest possible standards and incorporating the latest international research findings about sleep. Our highly effective approach works with you and relies on adjustments to lifestyle and behaviour. We are members of the British Sleep Society and British Paediatric Sleep Society. Our training is accredited CPD Standards Office.

The Sleep Wise App
The Sleep Wise App has been developed for anyone who is helping a young person resolve their sleep problem. It could be that you’re a parent or a health care professional. Maybe you support the young person in a school or college. It is intended to help children and young people of school age across all abilities. The app works on a child’s average sleep per night as a starting point and make suggestions how you can improve sleep. It has passed ORCHA review and is being used by health and schools and parents. It is unique as it concentrates upon young people and how to help them effectively achieve a restful night’s sleep.

Activity: Hunrosa launched a new app – Sleep Wise – to help parents and carers support children and young people who are struggling with their sleep health.

The app was developed by Hunrosa Sleep Consultancy in partnership with NASS (National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools), partner schools, the NHS and youth services.

It monitors sleep patterns and gives suggestions and activities on how to improve sleep health. It sets goals, defines a pathway for improving sleep and creates reminders to help you stay on track. The app is for use by all families not just those with children with special needs.

The system behind the app has already helped hundreds of children and families overcome sleep issues with 80% of young people resolving their sleep difficulties after Sleep Wise input.

Jan Jenner of Sleep Wise, Hunrosa, explained: “Good sleep is vital for learning, emotional balance and good mental and physical health, and sleep issues can have a hugely damaging impact on a child’s behaviour and their ability to learn.

“We know that our methods deliver life-changing sleep improvements for children and young people and their parents and carers, and we wanted to open that support up to as many people as possible.

“We developed the app working closely with partners and experts in the field to provide a resource for parents and carers to log and understand sleep patterns, get advice and set routines. It’s easy to use, it combines all our research and understanding, and it has great results transforming the lives of children with sleep issues and their parents and carers.”

The app was launched in the run up to World Sleep Day with Instagram and Facebook channels @sleepwiseapp. The launch was press released and a series of testimonials of users were featured alongside a series of compelling sleep facts. We also ran a month long competition giving away the app to people who liked and followed the pages.

The app is growing in usage and is available on all the usual platforms.

Location: Online

Date of Activity: March 10th onwards

Submitted by: Zoe Ensor