Spain 2024: Alianza por el Sueño | Alianza por el Sueño

Delegate: Alianza por el Sueño

Affiliation: Alianza por el Sueño

Short Bio: Alianza por el Sueño is a NGO that bringing together the main actors in scientific societies related to sleep disorders (doctors, nurses, psychologists…), health and scientific professionals, and companies with the objective of improving the sleep habits of Spanish people and promoting better care for patients with chronic insomnia.

Activity: Alianza por el Sueño and Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Spain along with the collaboration of Arkano (@smootharkano) created a rap for a 30″ advertising spot, broadcasted on national TV (RTVE / TVE) and social networks, our goal was to raise awareness among young people about the importance of their sleep.

We want our society to be aware of the importance of sleep care, in order to reduce the comorbidity and mortality due to insomnia-related diseases.

– In Spain, four out of ten children between the ages of 8 and 16 do not sleep the recommended number of hours from Monday to Friday.
– 52.4% of our teenagers go to class with less than 8 hours of sleep, which affects their academic performance and their capacity for emotional and/or affective management.
– Children and young people need more sleep hours because they are in a period of physical, intellectual and emotional growth.
– This sleep deficit in this population leaves an important mark on their health as they grow older and on their mental development.

Location: Spain

Date of Activity: March 15th (on going)

Submitted by: Yuri Láscarez