South Africa 2024: Nadine Rampf | Stellenbosch University

Delegate: Nadine Rampf

Affiliation: Stellenbosch University

Short Bio:

Activity: For World Sleep Day this year, we are excited to host a Lunchtime Sleep Health Awareness event tailored specifically for our university students. Recognizing the pivotal role that sleep plays in both mental and physical well-being, not to mention its impact on academic performance, we aim to shed light on the critical importance of prioritizing good sleep health.

Our event is designed to be both educational and interactive, offering a variety of activities that underline the significance of good sleep health. We’ll be playing the Sleep Deprivation Board Game, courtesy of, which promises to be a fun yet enlightening way to explore the effects of sleep loss. Additionally, a pin board will be available for students to post their sleep-related questions, fostering an environment of curiosity and learning.

We’re also providing opportunities for students to assess their own sleep health and sleep hygiene practices. Our goal is to empower students with knowledge and tools that can help them improve their sleep habits, ultimately enhancing their overall health and academic success.

By bringing attention to the importance of sleep health in an engaging manner, we hope to inspire our students to prioritize their sleep, recognizing it as a foundation for their health, well-being, and academic achievement.

Location: Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa

Date of Activity: 15 March 2024

Submitted by: Nadine Rampf