Portugal 2023: Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (Portuguese Society of Pneumology) | Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (Portuguese Society of Pneumology)

Delegate: Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (Portuguese Society of Pneumology)

Affiliation: Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (Portuguese Society of Pneumology)

Short Bio:

Activity: For the 2023 World Sleep Day the Portuguese Respiratory Society (SPP) organized diverse activities in order to increase awareness on the importance of Sleep for Health, under the theme “Sono é Essencial para Saúde” (Sleep is Essential for Health).

Different activities were developed aiming for a huge spread of information, targeting medical doctors, pharmacists and pharmacy users, medical students and the general public.

11 videos were released on social media on the importance of sleep for health and in particular, in a range of highly prevalent diseases discussions were promoted with general practitioners, neurologists, psychologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, internal medicine, pharmacists and respiratory physicians. The videos may be accessed here:

In partnership with the “Associação Nacional de Farmácias” (ANF) which represents 94% of the Portuguese Pharmacies, and recognizing the increasing demand for sleep pills and the role of the Pharmacist in Health literacy and education, a “Health Passport” was developed. This aimed to promote the necessity of addressing sleep regularly. Similarly to blood pressure evaluations, heart rate, glycemia and cholesterol values that patients are use to record, this aimed to address the importance of good sleep promoting a registry of hours of sleep/time of sleep/quality of sleep. The booklet also had general information on sleep and sleep hygiene and frequent symptoms patients should be aware of.

Preparing for the Sleep Day, SPP also performed an online questionnaire addressing sleep habits; 2184 persons responded, the majority assumed not to have a good sleep; 52% referred that they rarely felt to have a good night sleep, 19% slept for less than 6 hours, 44% had already taken some kind of sleep pills and interestingly 24% complained of unrefreshing sleep and 51% of excessive day-time sleepiness. Although with methodological limitations, this online questionnaire allowed for a discussion of sleep habits and the importance of sleep with the general public. SPP was present in multiple TV and radio programs with high audiences in Portugal.

A conference regarding the theme “Sleep is Essential for Health” was promoted within the Medical Students Association, data was also released on the students association social media.

Location: All country

Date of Activity: March 2023

Submitted by: SPP