United Kingdom 2024: Dr Catherine Pestano FRSA | Creative Croydon CIC

Delegate: Dr Catherine Pestano FRSA

Affiliation: Creative Croydon CIC

Short Bio: Dr Catherine Pestano is a social worker and community artist/musician working with wellbeing. She has particular interests in pain, stress, carers and menopause in relation to sleep. In her artistic practice she has been involved in nature and singing, including a Lullaby project.

Activity: This year Catherine leads the Croydon Great Big Nap Project (15 & 20-23 March), contributing to the Year Of Culture.

This begins on World Sleep Day 15/3/24 sharing our podcast on the contribution self-soothing music and lullaby can make for those in need of new approaches to sleep. using research practice space in the center of a busy shopping mall, over an arts space, Catherine is collaborating with local sleep workers to look at Creativity, pain, exercise, stress, song and yoga and how these come together for people seeking better sleep. Creative zine making is part of the offer as well as sharing soothing songs and lullabies. And creating a restful sleep portal . The 4 day festival culminates in the Great Big Croydon Nap. For information or to sign up please contact [email protected]. Activities are either free or low cost for this innovative community project.

Images are of Ayana Williams and her rest is resistance influenced work. We also have Ali from the Accessibility Project and Bea from Bea my Coach as collaborative partners.

Location: Croydon, London

Date of Activity: 15-23 March

Submitted by: Catherine Pestano