United Kingdom 2024: Hunrosa Sleep Consultancy | www.hunrosa.co.uk

Delegate: Hunrosa Sleep Consultancy

Affiliation: www.hunrosa.co.uk

Short Bio: Hunrosa is a Sleep Consultancy skilled in supporting the sleep of children, young people and adults. We are an NHS provider in the South West and run highly successful commissions. Hunrosa Sleep Wise is proud to achieve life changing results with families who report better, calmer sleep and happier homes because of improved sleep. Our team are all qualified sleep consultants and consist of Education professionals, Nurses, Early Years specialists, Occupational Therapists and Clinical Psychologists.

Activity: Cornwall Parent Carer Council, The Eden Project
Exhibiting and sharing our resources with parents and carers of children with special needs. We were delighted to chat to parents about sleep, and share our expert resources. Special thanks to Nicole for her help!

Location: Eden Project, Cornwall

Date of Activity: 7/3/24

Submitted by: Tabitha Moynagh