Croatia 2024: Patricia Tomac, psychologist | Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health

Delegate: Patricia Tomac, psychologist

Affiliation: Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health

Short Bio:

Activity: E-leaflet “Trick your sleep thieves” will be published on the webpages of the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia, and shared through social media of authors on World Sleep Day.
Authors of the leaflet are scientists and psychologists from the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia: Adrijana Košćec Bjelajac, PhD, Biserka Ross, PhD, and Patricia Tomac, MA.

The leaflet is intended for the general Croatian public and it will be published in Croatian. It will answer these questions:
1) What are sleep thieves and what are some usual suspects?
2) How do we know our sleep is being hijacked?
3) How much sleep do we need thought the lifespan?
4) How to trick sleep thieves, i.e. suggestions on how to deal with factors that negatively impact our sleep.

This activity is a part of the “Mental Health” work package within the HumEnHealth project Funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU (

Location: Zagreb, Croatia (online)

Date of Activity: March 15, 2024

Submitted by: Patricia Tomac