Italy 2024: Luca Roberti | Italian Apnoeic Patient Association (Apnoici Italiani)

Delegate: Luca Roberti

Affiliation: Italian Apnoeic Patient Association (Apnoici Italiani)

Short Bio: Apnoici Italiani (Apnoic Association) is the most representative association in Italy, about 1,900 members. Its areas of activity involve the protection and defense of the rights of patients and caregivers. Through numerous national and international information campaigns with meetings dedicated to awareness for the diseases of Sleep Apnoea, EDS and Insomnia. At the European level, he represents numerous patient associations at EMA (European Medicines Agency).
We participate in the task forces on guidelines organized ERS & AASM.

Activity: On the occasion of World Sleep Day, the Sleep Center of Sacred Heart Hospital – Don Calabria, is organizing in collaboration with the Italian Apnoic Association ETS and the Italian Narcoleptic Association an informative meeting on clinical issues and problems of patients with Sleep Disorders, such as Sleep Apnoea and Narcolepsy.

An aperitif will be offered at the end.

Saturday 16th March
Start 10am to 12.30am

Location: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center – Via S. Marco 121 (Verona, Italy)

Date of Activity: March 16th Saturday

Submitted by: Luca Roberti