United Kingdom 2024: Elizabeth English | https://mindfulsleep.life/

Delegate: Elizabeth English

Affiliation: https://mindfulsleep.life/

Short Bio: Suffering insomnia many years ago, I taught myself to ‘go to sleep at will’ by combining several mindfulness approaches. Since then I’ve enjoyed wonderful sleep. Now, I’m passionate about sharing my skills: showing others how to re-ignite the innate, life-giving elixir of sleep.

I have practiced and taught mindfulness for over four decades, drawing on different mindful approaches. While working and writing widely in the field (see my general website) I increasingly specialize in sleep, helping people to overcome a variety of sleep-related problems; and also support those facing physical and emotional challenges, where unresolved issues inhibit or disrupt creativity, artistry and performance, through loss of sleep. I am author of a growing range of mindfulness books and other materials.

First Class History degree (Bristol University)
Master (M.Phil.) and Doctorate (D.Phil.) at Oxford University
Doctoral research into Buddhist meditation texts published 2002
Certified Practitioner and Teacher of Focusing
Certified Mindfulness Teacher with CMRP (Bangor)
Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication
Certified Trauma Therapist (Somatic Experiencing)

Activity: Sleep & Meditation Webinar

A session for sleepy people and sleepy meditators … welcome to all! If you try to meditate and feel too sleepy, this webinar is for you. If you try to sleep, but feel too wide awake, this is also for you.

• explore ways in which sleep and meditation support each other;
• learn how to mediate effectively into sleepy states;
• take-home tips to build your ability to sleep and meditate effectively.


“Meditation includes everything that happens within it, even sleep itself. You just wonder (sleepily): How does it feel to be sleepy – and aware of being so? Then, if waves of sleep carry you off, there is one thing you know for sure. Your sleepiness has taught you something about meditation, and about sleep. The ocean of your being is vast and deep, and sleep is among its most magnificent powers. Sleepiness supports your meditation, and meditation supports your sleep.”

Extract from my forthcoming book: Oceans Within (Mud Pie Books, 2024):

More about my book trilogy: Gentle Guides to Mindfulness Meditation


Location: https://www.meetup.com/better-sleep-with-mindfulness/events/299041368/

Date of Activity: Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Submitted by: Elizabeth English