Taiwan 2017: International Sleep Science and Technology Association

Delegate: International Sleep Science and Technology Association

Activity: International Sleep Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) will hold a meeting called Frontiers of Sleep & Health Technology and the Trend in Industry, on February 23, 9:30-12:30 am at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Room 501. In this meeting, we invited several scholars and representatives from industries to talk and discuss about hot topics in sleep technology. The group is also hosting a conference in Germany.

Location: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 (No.1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan)

Date: 2017/02/21~2017/02/24

Short Bio: Prof. Dr. Med. Rayleigh Ping-Ying Chiang

Dr. Chiang is the director in Sleep Technology Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Center of Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology (INSIGHT) at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2016, he got elected as a president of International Sleep Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) in Berlin Headquarter and Taiwan chapter after the 4-year-turn of secretary general. He has been invited to sit as the Vice-President of University of Kang-Ning, and the Deputy Superintendent of Kang-Ning General Hospital in Taipei

since 2016, while still serving in Taipei Veterans General Hospital as a contributing physician. In the same year, Dr. Chiang became the Director of Sleep Technology Consortium (STC) under Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan government.