Switzerland 2017: KSM Klinik für Schlafmedizin

Delegate: KSM Klinik für Schlafmedizin

Affiliations: Sleep Centre SGSSC (Switzerland)

Activity: “Schwiizergoofe” is a popular Swiss music group of about 80 kids singing pop songs in Swiss-German. All of their seven albums held a Top-Ten position in the Swiss music charts. In 2017 Schwiizergoofe are publishing their first audiobook, called “Abetüür Ischlafe” (“the adventure of falling asleep”) – a bedtime story for children. KSM Klinik für Schlafmedizin is proud to be part of this audiobook. We support the project with useful bedtime tips for children and their parents which are printed inside the CD-Booklet. The tips include information about bedtime rituals to help children falling asleep, what to do against “monsters under the bed” or the influence of screens (mobile phone, laptop, tv) on their sleep. They are written child-friendly by our team of sleep specialists, represented by chief psychiatrist KSM Bad Zurzach Dr. Jens G. Acker (specialist in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and sleep specialist SGSSC, ESRS) and M.Sc. Sarah Rey (psychotherapist).The audiobook will be released on the 24th of March 2017.
KSM is going to give away some (reserved) CDs and announce the project on our website www.ksm.ch on World Sleep Day, 17th of March 2017.

Location: Switzerland

Date: 17th of March 2017

Submitted by: KSM Klinik für Schlafmedizin