Romania 2015: Romanian Somnology and Non-invasive Ventilation Society & Romanian Society of Pneumology

The press conference was held by Dr. Oana Deleanu, President of the Romanian Somnology and Non-Invasive Ventilation Society, and Prof. Dr. Florin Mihaltan, President of the Romanian Society of Pneumology. At the press conference were also present Conf. Dr. Agrippina Rascu – Vicepresident of Romanian Society of Occupational Medicine and Dr. Mihaela Oros – President of the Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents Association.

Three major TV stations and four radio stations were present at the event along with important print and online publications.
The slogan of the World Sleep Day was translated in Romanian and served the same purpose in our campaign.

In parallel, in Timşoara city was held a similar anniversary organized by “CardioPrevent” foundation, which marked a ride on the “Sleep Alley” in a Mall. The people had the opportunity to meet local experts and key opinion leaders in the detection of patients with such pathologies.

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