Portugal 2016: Unidade de Saúde Familiar Santo António da Charneca, and Eulalia Semedo, MD

Delegate: Unidade de Saúde Familiar Santo António da Charneca, and Eulalia Semedo, MD

Affiliations: WASM, ESRS, ERS

Doctors Claudia Pires Andrade,MD and Filipa Godinho,MD,both interns of MGF (General and Family Health Medicine), prepared a booklet with the 10 Commandments for Adults and information about the importance of sleep, all taken from the Portuguese translation of the WSD materials. The booklets were distributed to the patients coming to the Health Center on the 18th March, 2016, by all seven family doctors at work that day. About one hundred patients did receive this booklet about sleep, from their family doctors. You may view it here: folheto-sono-adultos

This activity was developed with Dr Eulália Semedo, MD., Director of the Hospital de Santiago’s Sleep Center (Luz Saúde, Setúbal); Dr Claudia Pires Andrade had a short training in sleep disorders management in this Sleep Centre, in 2015.

Location: Unidade de Saúde Familiar Santo António da Charneca, Barreiro, Portugal

Date: March 18, 2016


Submitted by: Eulalia Semedo
Short Bio:
Doctors Claudia Pires Andrade,MD and Filipa Godinho,MD, are both interns of MGF (General and Family Health Medicine) in the Unidade de Saúde Familiar Santo António da Charneca, directed by Dr. José Cabrita,MD. Dr Claudia Pires Andrade had a short training in sleep disorders management in this Sleep Centre, in 2015.