South Africa 2020: SleepNet BreatheNet

Delegate: SleepNet BreatheNet

Affiliations: CNSSA, SASSM

Short Bio: At SleepNet BreatheNet we specialize in equipment to treat Sleep Disordered Breathing and equipment to assist patients with Home Ventilation – both Invasive and Non-Invasive.

Activity: 1) Staff attended work in Pajamas to raise awareness of World Sleep Day.
2) We conducted a Spekboom (also known as the Elephant Bush) initiative. This entailed giving Spekboom plants to our referring practitioners branded with the World Sleep Day Logo and 2020 theme – Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet. A note has also been attached to the Spekboom to encourage people to Google “what is the importance of sleep”. We liaised with specialized sleep centers to upload information about the importance of sleep to their websites as information sources to all.
3) Through our Online Store, we granted all our patients a 10% discount on all purchases for the period of 9th of March to 13th of March and granted one lucky buyer a refund of their purchase on World Sleep Day. We informed all our patients of this special due to World Sleep Day on the 13th of March.
4) We created a video that inform people of the importance of sleep. We placed this on our website and shared it on Social Media platforms.
5) We conducted an early morning Pajama Parade at traffic intersections. Holding up self-made signs and handing out pamphlets to increase the awareness of the importance of sleep and World Sleep Day.

Location: South Africa

Date of Activity: 09/03/2020 – 13/03/2020

Submitted By: 06/04/2020