Georgia 2019: Irine Sakhelashvili

Delegate: Irine Sakhelashvili, MD, PhD

Affiliations: European University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Short Bio: Prof Irine Sakhelashvili, PhD is working in a field of sleep studies since 2012 year. The main area of her interests includes sleep characteristics, its disturbances and epidemiology of sleep disorders in humans. At present she is working at the European University, Georgia. Prof Irine Sakhelashvili seeks to interest students in sleep medicine and encourages their engagement in the sleep researches.

Activity: How important is sleep and its management for the humans? What is the role of sleeping well for healthy life and healthy aging? What does mean adequate sleep? How avoid negative effects of sleep deficiency? These questions with the other important issues was discussed with Prof Irine Sakhelashvili at the interview at the regional radio station “Dzveli Kalaki” which translation covers half of Georgia

Special lecture devoted to the 2019 year’s slogan “Healthy Sleep, Healthy Aging” was conducted by the students of Medical Faculty: Hary Prashat, Ravindra Reddy, Ashwani Thomas, Glen Thomas, Joel Raju and Mehmet Karatay. They presented the essential information regarding vital importance of sleep to their peers, the students of European University.

As a part an awareness campaign Prof Irine Sakhelashvili with a head of medical program, Maka Advadze and Deputy Dean, Tamar Nadirashvili visited Zurab Sabakhtarashvili Reproductology Clinic where Prof Irine shared the current epidemiological data and major slogans of World Sleep Society with the colleagues. To the end of the meeting the leaflets and notebooks with the recommendations and commandments about the sleep hygiene was distributed. In addition participants were given memorable gifts as pillows specially made for World Sleep Day 2019.

Location: Kutaisi and Tbilisi, Georgia

Date of Activity: a. 28.02.2019; b. 13.03.2019; c. 20.03.2019

Submitted By: PhD Dr Irine Sakhelashvili/Prof; European University, Georgia 2019