Norway 2018: Zmart Foundation

Delegate: Zmart Foundation

Affiliations: OsloMet University (former HiOA/ and many more

Short Bio: Zmart Foundation was established in January 2015 by Lars Kogstad. Background: MBA at UC Berkeley, Norwegian Army Military Academy (West Piont equivalent) and much+ more. We are a network of volunteers (ped./psy/behavior economists/-designers etc etc.), working in both gov. and private sector, identifying, testing and evaluating solutions to both promote (“primary prevention”) activitien which demonstrably (evidence-based) will help to reduce “mental unhealth” and finding good solutions for those who struggle. Sleep loss is a common denominator, so we want to utilize our combined networks and enthusiasm to promote WSD in Norway. We have a lot of interesting speakers (4 confirmed, 3 more to go) and on March 16th we hope to appear on “Good Morning Norway”, the most seen morning talkshow in Norway. Zmart has been sponsored by both private and gov’t (Dir. of Health) bodies. Please contact Zmart Foundation/Lars Kogstad on +47 93228962 for more information or for an inspirational talk.

Activity: Seminar & Celebration: Sleep and societal impacts of sleep loss. Informal gathering and open discussions with 6-8 well speakers who are known to promote the connection between sleep loss / -deprivation and your health – and vice versa. INVITASJON WSD – HiOA 16mars

Location: OsloMet, Pilestredet Park 34, room 2005 (pre. Høyskolen i Oslo og Akershus).

Date of Activity: March 16 at 11:30-13:30

Submitted By: Lars Kogstad