Israel 2018: Avi Barssessat / Hollandia International

Delegate: Avi Barssessat

Affiliations: Hollandia International

Short Bio: Avi Barssessat – CEO and owner of Hollandia International is also a national & International speaker with expertise about Sleep, Marketing, PR, Business & Product development. *Avi owns a regular radio spot program(every Sunday at 06:45 am) as a global sleep specialist, the main issue of the program is talking about healthy sleep and proper sleep tips … *At October 2015, Avi Launched his first book “The slumber of kings” -The book that will make you sleep better at night and wake up with a smile!

Activity: Hollandia is arranging an event at the 15th of March -evening
The event will take place at the Design Center in Ramat – Gan
More than 600 people are invited and the event will be led by one of the most leading actors in Israel – Dalik Wolinitz who is very much associated with quality of life and health.
At the event Avi Barssessat – the CEO and an International speaker will talk about the contribution that the sleep has to our lives and the sleeping crisis in the modern world.
We will also enjoy a special Dancing ensemble that will resemble the behavior of day and night and There will be refreshments of course.
At the end of the even Heart-shaped decorative pillows will be given to the participants The pillows will have a logo of the “World sleep day”
*Invited guests only

Location: Design Center Ramat Gan

Date of Activity: 15/3/2018

Submitted By: Avi Barssessat