Portugal 2021: Portuguese Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Society

Delegate: Portuguese Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Society

Affiliations: Portuguese Pediatric Society

Short Bio: Portuguese Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Society (PPPSS), on behalf of Portuguese Pediatric Society (SPP), is a portuguese organization of pediatricians that work in the filed of respiratory and sleep diseases.

It has also the aim to promote sleep and respiratory health in portuguese children, organizing meetings and courses to health professionals and promotional material on sleep and respiratory health to the general public


1-Brochure “Regular Sleep, Healthy Future”, publicized in the site of SPP. An english translation is attached.
2-Webinar “Regular Sleep, Healthy Future”, presented by Dr Núria Madureira and Rosário Ferreira, to health professionals.


Location: Lisbon, Portugal/Internet

Date of Activity: 19/3/2021

Submitted by: Rosario Ferreira