Italy 2020: ANDI Foundation onlus andi / ANDI – National Association of Italian Dentists

Delegate: ANDI Foundation onlus andi ANDI – National Association of Italian Dentists

Affiliations: ANDI Foundation onlus andi ANDI – National Association of Italian Dentists

Short Bio: ANDI Foundation onlus, founded by National Association of the Italian Dentists, is a non-profit organization. For over 10 years, it has worked to promote culture and solidarity to strengthen oral health and health in general. In particular, the Foundation addresses its attention to those who – due to their physical, economic and social status – cannot afford adequate dental care. For many years, ANDI Foundation has been interested in issues concerning sleep – more specifically on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS).

Activity: This year, on the occasion of World Sleep Day, we will organize a conference entitled “Dentistry and sleep disorders – a multidisciplinary model from diagnosis to therapy”. The one-day conference will provide clinically useful information for the dentist and OSAS. A comparison between different thematic areas and medical specialties such as: dentistry, pneumology, neurology, otolaryngology, pediatrics, maxillofacial surgery.
As in previous years, many ANDI dentists will make free screening visits on OSAS from March 13 to March 27. Citizens will find the list on the ANDI Foundation website. The opening of dental studios will be supported by a social campaign.

Location: Italy

Date of Activity: From March 13 to March 27

Submitted By: Antonella Reduzzi – Communication and project manager ANDI Foundation