Canada 2019: Catherine Lord (Immerscience); Canadian Sleep Society (CSS); Canadian Sleep & Circardian Network (CSCN)

Delegate: Catherine Lord -Immerscience; Canadian Sleep Society (CSS)-Advocacy; Canadian Sleep & Circardian Network (CSCN)

Affiliations: Immerscience

Short Bio: I’m a scientific consultant and co-founder of a science curator company, Immerscience. I have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience along with postdoctoral fellowships. I have expertise in psychoneuroendocrinology, mental health, aging and sleep research as well as knowledge transfer. Immerscience is actively collaborating on sleep advocacy with the Canadian Sleep Society (CSS) and Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network (CSCN).

Activity: CSS, CSCN and Immerscience have collaborated to produce and release bilingual material for the public on sleep and aging: “What normal sleep changes can be expected as you age?”. These advocacy texts are available in English and French. The material will be promoted via our websites, social media, newsletters and various media coverage around the WSD and after. Printed copies will also be distributed to sleep research centers and clinics.

English version:

CSCN website:
CSS website:

French version:

CSCN website:
CSS website:
Immerscience website:

Additional Materials:

10 Commandments for Adults (French)

Location: online from Canada on the CSS and CSCN websites

Date of Activity:
starting March 12th

Submitted By: Catherine Lord, Ph.D. in the name of Immerscience in collaboration with the CSS and the CSCN