Italy 2018: A.N.D.I. – National Association of Italian Dentists

Delegate: Andi Foundation onlus and A.N.D.I. – National Association of Italian Dentists

Affiliations: A.N.D.I. – National Association of Italian Dentists

Short Bio: ANDI Foundation onlus, founded by National Association of the Italian Dentists, is a non-profit organization. For over 10 years, it has worked to promote culture and solidarity to strengthen oral health and health in general. In particular, the Foundation addresses its attention to those who – due to their physical, economic and social status – cannot afford adequate dental care.
ANDI Foundation firmly believes that everyone has the right to have access to health; since the latter is the greatest common good and it should be available to everyone on equal terms. Andi Foundation continuously puts its efforts in promoting oral health and prevention culture concerning the oral cancer. The Foundation boosts several broad awareness-raising activities. An example is the National Day against mouth cancer – the Oral Cancer Day. Our aim is to implement measures regarding both dental and medical interventions in Italy and in developing countries. The ultimate goal is to support and finance research projects regarding the most widespread, but also the rarest and the unknown, oral diseases.
For years now, ANDI Foundation has been interested in issues concerning sleep – more specifically on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS).

Activity: The campaign “Sleep Apnea Alarm”, launched two years ago, goes national. A short film dedicated to World Sleep Day for all patients in the waiting rooms of Andi dentists members (, a social campaign on Facebook and Twitter, a press release to inform generalist media.
In particular on March 16th, Andi members who decide to join the campaign “Sleep Apnea Alarm”, will open their studios to all citizens for free checkups on Osas pathology.
Because a good sleep makes you live better!

Location: Italy

Date of Activity: from February 26th to March 16th

Submitted By: Antonella Reduzzi – communication and project manager Andi Foundation