Venezuela 2017: Servicios Respiratorios K-26

Delegate: Servicios Respiratorios K-26 C.A.

Affiliations: Medical Manager

World Sleep Day. In the World Sleep Day week we teach our patients and personal the meaning of the celebration and the importance of good sleep in the quality of life of the population. we decorate our sleep clinic with the WSD slogan and programmed activities with the patients and employees.

Location: Caracas, Venezuela

Date: March 17, 2017

Submitted by: Dr. Claudio Cárdenas / Ing. Carmen Gómez

Short Bio: Servicios Respiratorios K-26 C.A. is the leading company in Venezuela that offers medical service in Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Care. Founded in the year 1996 in Caracas, Venezuela, we have attended more than 5000 patients in our sleep medical office and Sleep Laboratory. With 3 Polisomnographic beds, we attend 3 sleep patients per night with State of the art equipment and the top medical professionals in Venezuela. Also we teach our patients and personal the importance of sleep for a better quality of life.