Romania 2019: Romanian Society of Sleep and Non-Invasive Ventilation / Romanian Society of Pulmonology / Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorder

Delegate: Dr. Mihaela Oros

Affiliations: Romanian Society of Sleep and Non-Invasive Ventilation, Romanian Society of Pulmonology, Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorder

Short Bio:
• President of the Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorder
• Member of Romanian Society of Sleep and Non-Invasive Ventilation, part of Romanian Society of Pulmonology
• Coordinator of Pediatric Sleep Center Regina Maria Baneasa Bucharest
• Coordinator of the National Romanian Study “Determining the prevalence of pediatric sleep-related breathing disorders in Romania” – PhD research
• Editor in chief “Romanian Journal of Pediatric Sleep Medicine”
• President of the Romanian Conference of Pediatric Sleep
• Member of the European Respiratory Society
• Member of the American Thoracic Society

World Sleep Day was celebrated this year in Romania in two major cities: Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca.
Activities to mark WSD at local level:
1. Bucharest: Press Conference – launching an open discussion on healthy sleep habits for the whole family
2. Cluj-Napoca: National Somnology Workshop “Sleep Apnea – A Multidisciplinary Pathology”
3. Bucharest: Newborn Sleep Routines Workshop – babies sleep the whole night

1. Press Conference “Healthy sleep habits – a priority for the whole family”

Organised by:
Romanian Society of Pneumology, (RSP) – a professional and scientific association, aiming to:
-Promote healthcare
-Ensure continuing medical education and scientific research in the field of respiratory sleep diseases
-Ensure the continuity of values and the promotion of medical novelty
Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorder, Romanian Sleep Society

The participants had the opportunity to understand the multiple problems related to the disrupted sleep rhythm and its consequences in diseases such as diabetes, cancer with genetic mutations, infections, obesity, insomnia, cardiovascular problems or hypertension (Prof. Dr. Florin Mihălțan), which are the responsibilities Employee and Employer Related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (Prof. Dr. Agripina Rașcu), as the pathology generated by the summer shift affects the lives of both humans and mammals (Dr. Oana Deleanu), which are the particular aspects of sleep problems in children (Dr. Mihaela Oros) and how they generate parents’ anxiety (Dr. Irina Costache).

– Prof. Dr. Florin Mihălțan, President of the Romanian Somnology and Non-Invasive Ventilation Society, part of Romanian Pneumology Society
“In Romania, we are doing many activities in order to identify and promote healthy sleep habits. This year we are going to publish the results of the National Epidemiological Investigation to Detect Sleep Disorders for Adults.
The study is carried out to complete the study launched in 2015, which showed that in Romania 1 out of 10 children are at risk for sleep disorder.”

– Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Ulmeanu, President of the Romanian Pneumology Society: “Sleep disorder is reflected both at the individual level, with an impact on family dynamics as well as on a social level, reaching, in certain situations, a public health issue.”

– Dr. Oana Deleanu, Lecturer – Department of Pneumology- , UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Board Member – European Sleep Research Society: “At this time, a pressing issue at European level is the summer time, currently implemented in over 70 countries of the world. We hope that the winter time will remain valid throughout the year, as scientific studies denounced the harmful effects of summer time on health, considering <> energy savings made by this forced change in the diurnal rhythm.”

– Prof. Dr. Agripina Rașcu, Department of Occupational Medicine, UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest: “Sleep deprivation affects our ability to memorize and organize, our response time so that in some situations the risk of accidents may increase. Also, insufficient sleep can influence relationships: an uncomfortable employee will not have the same tone, the same availability, the same good mood.”

– Dr. Mihaela Oros, President of the Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorders: “Teenagers need more sleep, and this requires both an awareness and a constant effort to balance the requirements of the age, the busy school schedule, the fast and advanced technology and the social pressure they are facing with.”

– Dr. Irina Costache, Pediatrician and blogger: “Parents who return home late from work, many extra-school activities, after-schools with no dedicated rest programs, school units regarded by parents as part of Top Schools, but far away from home, all have been stealing away sleep from children. Sleep is the only opportunity for the brain to recharge its batteries, both for children and adults, the way we turn on our attention and vigilance, and the ability to concentrate is maximum after a proper rest. Give sleep the importance it deserves! ”

There was also an emblematic patient presenting the behavior of the Romanian patient with such activities that exposed how the CPAP helped him, how he changed his life after discovered the sleep apnea syndrome and how the therapy evolved. Questions from the audience allowed a review of the progress made by the Romanian somnology school, as well as details of the interaction with the authorities and the progress that has been made and problems that still exist regarding the compensation of the therapy.

Press Conference participants
• Parenting Bloggers
Pareting bloggers – with a high level of visibility and credibility at the local level (Ela Craciun, Alex Zamfir, Sonia Argint Ionescu) took part at the press conference in order to find answers to all the questions they receive from their community related to best advices on children sleep. They can all share some tips and tricks related to children sleep based on their own experience as parents. In order to improve these tips and tricks, they admitted that they needed a solid informational background from specialists related to healthy sleep habits, not only for their children, but also for themselves, because sleep habits affects the entire family.

• Journalists
Journalists, both from health, generalist, parenting & lifestyle media outlets (from TV, to press & radio) prepared their questions based mainly on sleep habits effects and how it is reflected on people behavior in order to show how the lack of sleep affects daily routines and activities, and after that presented the solutions given by the speakers: for children, for teenagers and for adults. They covered the healthy sleep habits and related the subject as a priority for the whole family, in order to support the educational purpose of the press conference.

• Representatives from six companies (Philips, Messer, Linde, New Medics, Oxigen Asist and Vital Aire) supported the press conference and took part to the discussion, due to the presence of a specialist from Department of Occupational Medicine. This lead to an open dialogue based on Employee-Employer responsibilities and how the lack of sleep affects the way of working, long-term results and how to identify the risk factors.

Highlights from media coverage

With the support of influential parenting bloggers

With the support of Romanian National News Agency–275305

With the support of Medical News Sites—actiunilor-internationale-derulate-cu-ocazia-Zilei-Mondiale-a-Somnului nternationale-derulate–0N70443 somn-sanatos.html?fbclid=IwAR26HxLN1AEBf2CXByRXJkoNdWdGORREiergng3xNUwt9U6W0U1AG1d_8kI

With the support of National TV Stations ncerului-avertismentul-medicilor-1098795 nului-512416.html

With the support of Moldova and Romania Radio Station l-avertismentul-medicilor—84083.html

TOTAL media coverage of 69 articles: 50 online articles, 9 Social Media articles/posts, 2 printed articles, 4 Radio News and 6 TV News.
This year, we wanted to bring the subject even closer to audience and we managed to do it with the support of Social Media channels. We succeeded to gather thousands of people on Facebook and Instagram pages.

The message get to: 3M people-Daily Unique Visitors; 2M people-Audience/Listeners; 23K people Viewership (Estimated)

As part of the activities organized to mark the World Sleep Day, Romanian Society of Pneumology (SRP) and Romanian Association for Pediatric Sleep Disorder – Romanian Sleep Society (ATSCA) wrote a guide starting from the press conference subject: “Healthy sleep habits – a priority for the whole family” .
The brochure is also available on SRP site so anyone could access it for free (

2. National Somnology Workshop “Sleep Apnea – A Multidisciplinary Pathology”
120 participants

Organised by:
“Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca and Romanian Society of Pneumology

On account of World Sleep Day 2019, The Romanian Society of Pneumology hosted a special state-of-the-art session, during the National Somnology Workshop “Sleep Apnea – A Multidisciplinary Pathology”.
In order to meet the trends, demands and influences that the modern society produces, physicians from various specialties (family medicine, pneumology, pediatrics, cardiology, diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases, endocrinology, internal medicine, ENT, neurology, labor medicine), all willing to share their knowledge, ideas and scientific achievements, have gathered the ranks at this event.

The Scientific Program of the event included:
• Communications
• Practical demonstrations
• Clinical cases related to the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in breathing disorders during sleep

During the special STATE-OF-THE-ART session, the scientific horizon definitely extended through extremely well documented and interesting presentations. In an environment conducive to the development of interdisciplinary interactions, renowned invited speakers have supported and encouraged the exchange of clinical information and scientific studies related to sleep medicine. They have raised awareness regarding the value of sleep and the benefits it brings to our health. Time spent sleeping is an essential investment towards a good metabolism, avoiding asthma and cardiovascular diseases

• Sleep apnea syndrome and cardio-metabolic pathology: theory and practice
• Cardiovascular disease and Sleep Apnea Syndrome
• Asthma and Sleep Disorders in Children: Clinical implications and pathogenetic mechanisms
• Myofunctional therapy in sleep apnea syndrome

Invited speakers:
• Prof. Gabriela Roman, Head of the Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Discipline at the “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
• Prof. Dana Pop, Head of the Cardiology – Recovery Discipline at the “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
• Prof. Sorin Man, Pro Dean for Management, Academic Development and Student Issues at the “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
• Dr. Rodica Mureşan, ORL Department – Emergency Clinical Hospital, Cluj-Napoca
• Prof. Dr. Florin Mihălțan, President of the Romanian Somnology and Non-Invasive Ventilation Society, part of Romanian Pneumology Society
• Prof. Dr. Doina Todea, Chief of the Pneumoftiziology III Department at the “Leon Daniello” Clinical Pneumoftiziology Hospital, Cluj-Napoca

Coordinators World Sleep Day 2019 activities – from Bucharest and Cluj:
– Prof. Dr. Florin Mihălțan
Short Bio:
Pneumology Professor Pneumology -2008
Chief of the Pneumology Department- Institute of Pneumoptiziology “Marius Nasta- 2010
Founder of First Sleep Lab in Romania-2006
Founder of Romanian Society of Sleep- 2008
Author of more than 500 articles on pneumology and sleep

– Prof. Doina Todea, MD, PhD
Short bio:
Pneumoftiziology Professor – from 2016
Chief of the Pneumoftiziology III Department at the “Leon Daniello” Clinical Pneumoftiziology Hospital
honored with a fellowship in Pneumology by the Montpellier France University of Medicine.
She is an active organizer, but also an active participant in courses, symposiums, national and international conferences and congresses such as:
World Asthma – COPD Forum
American Thoracic Society – International Conference
European Respiratory Society – Annual Congress
Smoking Cessation” ESC Educational Programme
Sleep Medicine” ERS School Course – Grenoble
ERS/ COST, Research Seminar on “Metabolic Aspects of the Obstructive Sleep Apneea Syndrome”

3. Newborn Sleep Routines Workshop – “Babies sleep the whole night”
90 participants, Mothers, Speakers invited

Organised by Ela Craciun:
Romanian journalist // Host of “Numai de bine” show on Antena 3 – TV Station
Currently holds the most widely read parental blog in Romania (Blog- 167K Monthly Unique Visitors, Facebook page – 234K followers, Instagram page – 49.2K followers)

The workshop aimed to establish healthy habits and to offer many useful information to parents in order to learn the little one to have a quiet sleep that contributes to a balanced life for him, and also, for the entire family.

The man is not used to all these sleep challenges: less sleep, more work, living the life on fast forward, intercontinental voyages, staying always connected through technology, modern life requests that generate long-term health challenge.
It is necessary in these conditions to constantly educate the population and set a permanent reminder of the basic rules related to sleep hygiene with a multidisciplinary diagnostic contribution from medical professionals. All the efforts should be made in order to correct deficiencies registered in the moments of rest due to the alert pace of life we ​​all live.

Special thanks to all involved in some way in Romanian World Sleep Day activities.

Location: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca

Date of Activity: 1. Press conference -15th of March; 2. National Somnology Workshop -14th-15th of March; 3. Newborn Sleep Routines Workshop 19th – 21th of March

Submitted By: Dr. Mihaela Oros, MD, PhD