Portugal 2013: Assocciação Portuguesa de Cronobiologia e Medicina do Sono

In the scope of the World Sleep Day, APCMS – Assocciação Portuguesa de Cronobiologia e Medicina do Sono (Portuguese Association of Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine) is developing some important actions in order to disseminate sleep, their basic roles and importance, as well as their related diseases and risks.

For the next week we will have several conferences in our country – for general public (adults), for children (at schools), adolescents and older people and for health related professionals – namely general physicians.

Furthermore we made some press releases and we did two brochures about sleep (general) and the relationship between sleep and traffic accidents.

You may view the three brochures below:


Submitted by Dr. Miguel Meira e Cruz, president of Assocciação Portuguesa de Cronobiologia e Medicina do Sono