Hong Kong 2017: Jason Lin Lifestyle Committee

Delegate: Jason Lin

Affiliation: Lifestyle Committee

Activity: High school could be rather stressful for some. For example, sleep deprivation and stress have negatively affected many people in my community. Speaking from personal experience, stress and sleep deprivation greatly affect my ability to engage in classes, volunteer works and sports. Therefore, a few students, teachers, and I initiated the Lifestyle Committee back in 2015.

We conducted surveys on sources of stress, held workshops on time management and stress-coping.

Finally, we produced a set of recommendation to the school management which would strives reduce stress among students by evenly distributing assessments throughout the year. Although the issue of stress is not completely resolved, there are significant improvements. We will continue to work to advocate for more attention paid to sleep issues among teenagers!

Location: Hong Kong

Date: Continuing

Submitted by: Jason Lin